7 Fun Phrases to Know When Visiting Okinawa

Planning a trip to Okinawa? Here are 7 phrases you should know:

  1. Yutasarugutu nu hana

    When you arrive in Okinawa, you’ll notice the colorful flowers everywhere. This phrase, which means ‘flowers are beautiful’, can be used to compliment the stunning flora.

  2. Nmu ya banushi

    When trying the delicious local dishes in Okinawa, use this phrase to say ‘I’m the owner of this happiness’. It’s a polite and appreciative way to show your gratitude to the chef.

  3. Hai samui

    On a hot day in Okinawa, you might want to say ‘It’s hot’. Use this phrase to express your discomfort and find relief by seeking shade or enjoying a cold drink.

  4. Hai churasabira

    Okinawa is famous for its beautiful beaches. To express your admiration for the clear blue water, say ‘The sea is beautiful’ using this phrase.

  5. Utindirikaa

    When you want to ask someone for their advice or opinion, say ‘Please tell me’ using this phrase. It’s a polite way to request information or suggestions.

  6. Gusuto

    When leaving a store or someone’s house, use this phrase to say ‘Thank you’. It’s always a good idea to show your appreciation for the hospitality you received in Okinawa.

  7. Uta nu ju mikata

    If you enjoy singing, use this phrase to say ‘I’m a fan of songs’ when visiting a karaoke bar. Okinawa has a rich musical culture, so don’t be shy to join in on the fun.

Now that you know these fun phrases, you’re ready to have a great time in Okinawa. Don’t forget to check out Okinawa furnished apartments for a comfortable stay during your trip.