Tokyo Living: Finding the Best Furnished Apartments and Navigating the Rental Market

If you’re planning on moving to Japan, finding the right place to live is an essential step, and it’s doubly true in Tokyo. The good news is that there are many furnished apartments available in the city to make your move easier and more comfortable. Here’s what you need to know to find the best furnished apartments and navigate the rental market in Tokyo.

One thing to keep in mind is that Tokyo is a crowded city, and most apartments will be small. A furnished apartment takes some of the burden off when you’re moving; you don’t need to worry about buying furniture, and you can save money on shipping or storage costs. Look for apartments in neighborhoods with easy access to transportation; the city has a convenient and efficient subway system, but you’ll want to be close to your work or school.

When you’re searching for a furnished apartment, browse online listings as well as real estate agencies. Websites like Kaguaruoo offer a variety of options with transparent pricing and no hidden fees. You can search by budget, location, size, and amenities. Furnished apartments usually come with the basics, but make sure to clarify what’s included. Some may have kitchen appliances like refrigerators and microwaves, but others may not. Read the terms and conditions carefully, and don’t hesitate to ask questions or negotiate.

Once you’ve found a few potential apartments, you’ll need to apply in Japanese, or find a reliable agent who can help with the process. Be prepared to provide personal information such as your visa status and employment details. You may need to pay a deposit and several months’ rent upfront, in addition to agent fees and insurance. However, renting a furnished apartment in Tokyo tends to be less expensive than renting an unfurnished apartment and furnishing it yourself.

Overall, renting a furnished apartment in Tokyo can be a smart move for anyone who wants to simplify their move and get settled quickly. By browsing different listings online and working with a reputable agent, you can find a safe, comfortable, and convenient place to call your new home. Check out Kaguaruoo’s furnished apartment listings today and make your transition to Tokyo a smoother one.

Click here to find furnished apartments for rent in Tokyo.